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Hospice Team


At Elite Hospice and Palliative  Care our goal is to focus on the quality of life, not just the quantity of days.

Your care team will consist of the following:

Medical Director

The Hospice Medical Director specializes in the unique challenges surrounding end-of-life care. They work to make sure everyone involved is aware of and understands the care plan that is in place. Additionally, hospice medical directors are responsible for easing physical symptoms and managing terminal illnesses and any conditions related to the illness. If your primary physician is not available, then the hospice physician is there to meet your medical needs.


A registered nurse is a person who has graduated from a college-level nursing program or a school of nursing and has passed their national licensing exam. At Elite Hospice and Palliative Care, your RN is typically the first person you will meet on the hospice team. The RN will provide ongoing physical assessments and communicate with your loved one’s physician.

Hospice Aide

The Elite Hospice and Palliative Care certified aide is often the team member visit most looked forward to by the patient. They assist with day-to-day activities such as personal hygiene, dressing, and providing companionship and activities that bring joy and comfort. Most importantly, they teach families how to provide care, and they help patients maintain their dignity.

Social Worker

The Hospice Social Worker advocates for your end-of-life wishes and assists you and your family in dealing with the difficult emotions related to you or your loved one’s illness. Additionally, social workers help you identify community resources that may be available, like private care agencies, government resources, and additional counseling services. They can assist with funeral planning and nursing home placement, if needed.


Non-denominational chaplains base their care on a high respect for your loved one's faith and belief and are trained as thoughtful listeners. A hospice chaplain's goal is to be there to listen and provide hope in what can be the most uncertain times of people's lives. Chaplains are available to assist you and your family with the spiritual concerns that often arise during a terminal illness. Services often include regular therapeutic visits, one-on-one counseling, guidance in arranging funerals and sometimes even wedding services.


Volunteers are a vital part of the team at Elite Hospice and Palliative Care, providing comfort, compassion, and a warm presence during a vulnerable and often lonely time. They are well-trained and carefully selected to work alongside our professional staff.

Grief Counselor

At Elite Hospice and Palliative Care, we believe in taking the taboo out of dying. We understand that support is necessary to one’s healthy grief journey, and we are not afraid of having end-of-life conversations. Whether through our social service workers, group counseling, or one-on-one with our Grief Counselors, we help you find inspiration, hope, and validation as you grieve.

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